Friday, October 22, 2010

The Hole ch. 3

After i got there in about a minute, i waited for Tegan for an hour and a half before she trudged up the hill at Gerrill park the playground where i was standing. "You know, Kieyra, you could have, like, waited for me, or gotten somneone to drive me here 'cause your dad lives in freaking CLAYTON!!!!!!!" Tegan yelled in between gasps for air. "Sorry!" I tossed her a bottle of water. "Thanks. When did you become so athletic?" she asked. "Huh?" i asked. "You walked here. From Clayton. And your legs don't seem to be burning!!!!!" "Oh. That. I take fitness classes every now and then. Running isn't an issue for me anymore." I half-lied. Running isn't an issue, but it's not because of some stupid workout sessions. "I got your...erm...weapons. Now what was it you needed them for?" "Come with me."

The Hole was about a twenty minute walk from the playground, Tegan's seven rest stops included. "Whoa." was all Tegan could say when she looked at the hole with a fascinated expression on her face. "Now," i circled around Tegan, "imagine someone falling into this hole." "Sean." she said in a dream like tone of voice. "No, someone like me." "Kieyra." she said in the same tone. I frowned, but continued. "Okay, now in this hole, there's another world." "Candyland!" she swayed her head from side to side. "No! More like evil-vampire land." "Eww! Robert Pattinson!" Tegan batted her hands at the air angrily. "Shhhh, Tegan, shh shh shh, think about candy." "Candy." she repeated, calming down quickly. "well anyways, now imagine that that person who fell got turned into a vampire, and then "negotiated" with the evil guys a deal where cet person has to round up an army of humans to battle their evil vampire army." Tegan opened her eyes, finally putting two-and-two together. Me being a vampire was the four. She stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth hanging wide open. "Kieyra." she said quietly. "Vampire." She backed up and tripped aver a rock, falling into the hole. I caught her hand and pulled her right back up without even breaking a sweat. "Please try to be more careful. We wouldn't want this to end badly, would we?" She started to run away, but i pinned her arms to her sides with my hands. "Relax, Tegan. I'm not going to kill you." I waited untill she calmed down. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm the good one- i can control myself. But there are people out there that are dangerous and will hurt you. Remember that." A crow cawed from behind us. I spun around. It cawed once more, it's beady little eyes staring right at me. "It's you! You're that same stupid bird from yesterday! It's your fault i'm like this!! Oh my god. I'm talking to a bird." the crow snickered. "Hey! Don't you mock me! Scram!" I shooed away the bird, but it didn't move an inch. " Maybe... Maybe some mysteries are better left unsolved." I said, staring at the bird. It nodded it's tiny head, swooped down, and landed at my feet. "A friend of yours?" Tegan asked. "No." It pecked at my shoes, rubbed it's head up against my leg, made a noise that sounded like a purr, and swooped down into the hole. "Now that, that was weird." said Tegan, and i agreed.

TBC in chapter four!!!!! 2day is the hole's 1st anniversary!!!!!comment!!!!!! i'd just like to let u know that that is MORE than is in my journal for the hole!!!! ON THE SPOT THINKING WAS REQUIRED!!!


  1. Well on the spot thinking is certainly working for you! You have to keep this story going! I am really enjoying it! How long has she been a vampire? How did she become a vampire? Why does her dad have a room of weapons and a detector? What on earth is this bird that acts like a cat about????? More!MOre! More!!!
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE HOLE!!!! (and everyone in and around it!)

  2. OH......and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Very well done! You truly have a talent and I love the fact that you have stuck with this for so long! I really hope you will keep sharing it!
